Note: Investors who have accumulated a certain amount of investment in the platform will be automatically upgraded to VIP.
VIP members can enjoy interest rate increases and cash rewards.
The interest rate increase is the additional interest you get from the project you invest in.
For example: (You are now VIP0, the interest rate of the project you invest in is 1%, and after accumulating $5,000, you will automatically upgrade to VIP1, and the interest rate increase of VIP1 is 0.01%),
then the interest rate of your investment project can be increased by 0.01% on the original project interest rate, which is equivalent to 1% + 0.01% = 1.01%. This is the total interest rate of your investment project, and the dividends you receive are also higher than those of ordinary members).
Warm Tips:
When participating investors reach the corresponding membership level, users of the corresponding VIP level can receive cash rewards. Please contact the online customer service to receive them.